Well, it is 4:56am on Wednesday morning & I am up watching Little Einsteins with Andrew in my bed with Daddy sleeping next to us. I have not been to bed yet or as I should say, asleep yet....My poor little man has been sick ever since Monday. It all started with diarrhea, then he vomited REALLY REALLY bad in the car after we dropped off Kelsey at gymnastics & were on our way to Walmart to get some Pedilite. So, we ended up at home in the bathtub. He then came down with high fever & that & the vomitting rotated off & on ever since Monday evening! We have been giving him Phenergan as needed as well as Tylenol & Motrin. I have been trying to give him little sips of Pedilite, but every time I do, it comes back up. He finally took some Pedilite last night around 11:00 & I thought we were doing good, so I put him to bed & I got in bed. I started watching TV trying to fall asleep & around 12:30 & as I was getting sleepy, he kept "coughing" funny, so I would jump up to make sure he was ok, then the next thing I knew he vomited again & I went to pick him & put him on our bed so I could get a washcloth to wash his hands & face. I then went to rinse out the washcloth & then he started vomiting alot more all over our comforter! I guess he had to much Pedilite too fast last night. (He only had 1/2 of a sippy cup.) So, as you can see it has been a really rough night for us. What you have to understand is I am not one of those people that just fall right back to sleep if I get woke up (unlike my husband who is next to us snoring!). So, then I get ready to fall back asleep & he starts coughing so I jump up again, & again, & again to check on him. By this time I am wide awake & I start thinking about how he has not had a wet diaper since I got him in the tub earlier in the day to bath him from getting sick. And with texting back & forth with Molly Beth earlier in the evening talking about Rotovirus, it gets my mind to racing....So, I get on the internet & start reading & get really scared about him being dehydrated. I thought about taking him to the E.R, but I then decided to wake him up & give him 1/2 to 1 tsp. of Pedilite every 10 minutes or so, so here we are..........Well, I am........he has fallen back asleep in the middle of our bed. Well...now to be completely honest with you, Heath just got up & is in the bathroom & not feeling good at all. He is suppost to be getting up & leaving for OKC to the auction around 5:45, so I guess we will see if that happens with time....Ohhh Lordy, I pray that this is not going to be a "family" thing! I am worn out with one having it. I can't imagine with it going thru the rest of us. However, it makes me think of the Bible verse that says....."He will not give you more than you can handle!!".....with that being said....I just want to make sure He is paying attention.....LOL LOL! I am kinda glad that Hayden & Kelsey are on the "flex" week & don't go back to school until next Monday in case they do come down with it, but it would be good for them to stay away from Andrew (and maybe Heath too??) as much as possible. Sickness is so hard....just not knowing what it is; Rotovirus, Strep-throat (my sister says her boys have these symptoms when they have it!), Stomach virus, something else??? Who knows....... Well, it is now 5:40 & I am going to decide if I want to get a few hours of rest before I take Andrew into sick time at 8:00 or stay up since Heath is up & running back & forth to the bathroom & snorning in between LOL.....As I close, please say a little prayer for our "sick" (& tired) family and I will say one for all who read this that you will not get "whatever" this is................:)p.s. If you would please either leave me a comment or send me an email at tecardwell@sbcglobal.net to let me know who is reading this!! It was nice that some all ready have (especially the ones that live out of town!)to let me know that they are enjoying the update:)