Thursday night was the annual Father/Daughter Banquet for Camp Fire. The leaders and in charge of decorating the table. We really waited to the LAST minute. The main leader (I am only the assistant leader) asked the girls how they wanted to decorate the table...and needless to say...it was VERY interesting to hear what they come up with....stars, watermelons, Hannah Montana & High School Musical (of course), frogs, butterflies, clouds, flowers, hearts and so much more. So the leader decided to go with the butterflies and flowers. As you can see, it turned out kinda plain, but it all worked out, so that was fine. The daughters are suppose to bring a meal for her and her father to eat. Heath always let Kelsey pick since it is her special night. This year, she chose Taco Casa. As you can see we hot rolled her hair. It turned out so cute. She does not like to do it that often....(she thinks the rollers are too hot on her head. She was excited because we had it cut that day and they really "thinned" it out so it is not near as thick as it was. If we would have known that it would would have made that much of a difference, we would have thinned it out a LONG time ago. I am just so glad that she and her Daddy went to the Banquet and had a good time. I still remember going with my Dad to my Blue Bird Father/Daughter Banquet when I was her age. Hopefully, she will remember this for a long time also......