Okkk....after looking at the pictures of this....you will see why I made that my title! LOL These pictures are from Kelsey's Valentine's party at school on Friday. The one that colored the paper, Trevor is the little boy to the right of Kesley in between the her & Natalie. His mom came up to me at the party and asked me if I looked at the bulletin board in the hall. She said Trevor is crazzzzy about her! Kids are so funny! He is such a precious little boy!(Destiny is a 9th grade cheerleader there at Northside!) In case you can not read it, Kelsey's paper says that she loves: horses....she rode them at Camp Fire camp, her little brother jumping on her, jumping on the trampoline and science. I love the one of Andrew just hanging out all comfy on his sister's desk at her party. (I love how his little arm is up on the desk and his little feet are hanging!) Right after this picture was taken, he vomitted so bad EVERYWHERE!!! I think he got to hot and started coughing and it all came back up, because he was just fine after we got home!