At our church, they do what they call "Home Groups". Some of the ones they have are a "grief" type group, a "youth" group, a "married" group, a "parenting" group and a few others. They started this in order for people to get together on Sunday evenings and fellowship since not many people come back to church that night. We meet twice a month at different people's houses. (We hosted the Christmas party, where we had over 30 people here.....normally EVERYONE comes to the Christmas one since we do a gift exchange!) It is from 5-7 and they provide childcare and pizza at the church in the Family Life Center for the kids. We do the "married" group that is our Sunday School class mainly that our S.S. teacher leads. She is so fun and creative and makes it lots of fun! (She is a teacher!) Tonight it was the "Valentine" one at my in-laws house. (Of course we ate............we always do that..........we are Baptist......lol). We played a game where we blindfolded our husbands and then we shook their hands and they had to guess which one was their wife. Then, the ladies got blind folded and the guys gave us a peck on the cheek and we had to guess who our husband was. Then we played the "Newlywed Game". Normally, every year Heath and I do HORRIBLE....You have to understand...Heath thinks way to hard....but this year, we did soooo good. It was alot of fun! We had 5 questions to answer and then two bonus question in case it their was a tie breaker...Here are the questions...ohhh I might add we had our back to each other....
1. Describe exactly what your spouse is wearing RIGHT now! (You would not believe how many got it wrong like what the shirt said or what color it is...it was funny!)
2. How many pairs of shoes does your wife have?
3. If your husband could do anything for a job that he LOVES and get paid for it, what would it be?
4. What is the address to the first house you lived in?
5. Which one of you, told you that they loved you first?
1. When your wife wakes up in the morning, what is something of yours that is on something of hers......? (yes, you can imagine how much fun we had laughing to that one!!!)
2. What was the first movie that you saw together?
As you can see, it was alot of fun! It is really neat to get to "know" your S.S. members.....(in more ways than you imagine!!!).....We ended up in the finals this time and had to pick a number closest to the teacher's number, but we did not end up winning. However, we were really glad we went and look forward to next time. From now on we will do a Bible study about Marriage. We do a little lesson and then she gives us questions to take and answer as a couple. Each couple goes to different places in the host's house to discuss and talk about it and then we get together and discuss what we talked about. It is normally questions, that try to improve your marriage. I am so glad that Heath and I make it a point to go (plus I think it is important for our children to see us to continue to "work" on our marriage) and fellowship with everyone, not to mention that the kids enjoy playing at the F.L.C., so it is a win-win situation.