My friend, Shalyn, tagged me on her blog. The instructions were: 1. Go to your photo folders and open the 4th folder. 2. Choose the 4th photo. 3. Explain the photo. 4. Tag 4 other people!
I have to admit, I was kinda scared when I read this as to what photo would come up, not that I have anything nasty or anything, but it just got me to wondering! Actually, I was kinda glad that this one came up! Mine goes under A to Z on my laptop (which is what I am on) and on my desktop they go by dates! (The title is Andrew & the envelopes!).
Anyway, this is a picture of Andrew that I took on August 11, 08. Andrew always loves to play in the kitchen drawers and when I went to go put some laundry away, I came back and this is the mess he had made! He took all the envelopes out of the box and had them all over the floor and was playing with the box! Needless to say, that kitchen drawer is now his and not the "office" supplies!
Now I need to tag 4 people, so I tag Teresa, Molly Beth, Courtney & Amy! Have fun!