Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sick baby!

Here are some pictures I took of Andrew last week while he was sick. I tried to have him sit in the highchair with us while we were eating since he was sleeping so much, but as you can tell, it did not help! He was so sleepy! You can see the picture of him in the navy blue in the kitchen was on Friday when he "wanted" to feel better. He would get up and play for a few minutes, then sit down for a little while. We are so glad that he is back to his normal busy self this week!

Eating pan-pan's & playing peek-a-boo!

Andrew enjoys eating a pan-pan almost every day for Breakfast. If you notice, Mackie does too:) She does not go to far when Andrew is in his highchair any time of the day! And it cracks me up that no matter what age a kid/baby is that they still love to play peek-a-boo! I just love how they put their little hands across their face to hide! Awww, I wish these times would just last forever!

17 mths!!


My beautiful & healthy 17 month old baby boy!!
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