Sunday, August 9, 2009

South Padre

Aren't we cute together?
Me on the balcony!

I thought this was so cute that Drew just made his own chair!

Heath feeding the sea gulls off of our balcony. You could just throw the food and they would catch it. The kids LOVED feeding & watching them!

I love the way Drew is "cutting" his eyes in this picture. It is kinda blury because it was taken in the car on the way home.

Hayden trying to see if the sea gulls would eat the bread right out of his hand.

I love this picture of Heath in his Mexican hat!

Nothing like a little sand on this precious face!

I LOVE this picture of Hayden. It is one of my favorites I think!

Just a reminder!

Hayden & Kelsey playing shuffleboard!

He loved walking in the sand!

The last day on the beach!

Heath and I dancing!

Hayden rolling down the hill at the Light House. He had so much fun! I am trying really hard lately to be a "YES Mom" instead of a "No Mom". It is the simple things in life......

Mackie was on vacation too!

These are the crabs that Nana, Kelsey & I found. It was SOOO fun crab-hunting. You go out at night time with flashlights on the beach. It is harder to catch these fast suckers than you think! The kids thought that after I took the pictures that they might have died from the flash! lol

3 of the reason I wake up every morning!

Our family at the Light House! We all were HOT, sweaty & stinky after all the stairs!

Andrew loved riding the little pony on the Merry-Go-Round in front of the Dollar Store. I remember doing this as a kid!

Kelsey at the beach!

Looking down at Nana & Andrew. He was not tall enough to go in & their would be no way he could climb all the stairs, so he stayed down below with Nana.

This view was taken from Light House. It was so BEAUTIFUL!

Port Isabel

Port Isabel

This is the Causeway that takes you to South Padre Island.

Heath at the top of the Light House.

Me at the Lighthouse.

This is a Light House that we paid to go up in. It was lots & lots of stairs & VERY hot in there. I

Hayden at the top of the Light House. It was so funny on the way down. Hayden said that was a really cool Light House, but it only had one had NO LIGHT!!!! lol

Kelsey at the top of the Light House. You can see she is holding on for dear life!

This is Kelsey at the Gravity Park on the trampoline. The restaurant behind her is a 2 story building, so you can see how high she was! She did not really like it!

Kissy picture!

Another picture of us on date night!

Heath & I at a gift shop!

Me chillin' at the beach!

Den-ski Doodle & Mom

This is ALMOST what our sand castle looked like!

This is at the South Padre Island Information Center. A man comes and makes a new display twice a year.

Andrew playing in the sand. He LOVED it.

The view from our hotel balcony.

Drew enjoying "his" Mudslide that his daddy made him. Look at his little toes pointed...I guess that is a sign that it is REALLY good, not to mention, he barely came up for air!

My wonderful, sweet, dear husband.....don't let the bald head & the mean looking shirt fool you!

Dad trying to figure out how in the world all this is going to fit in this car! And why in the world do I think I want & need a smaller car.....yea..right.... (This was before we even picked up Nana and all of her stuff!)

Look at that PRECIOUS sandy face!

Kelsey in the car on the way home! They were all SOOO tired from the trip!

Hayden made this balloon at the restaurant that we were at! I think he did pretty good!

This is a shirt we found at a gift shop. We thought it was perfect for this trip. It says MOMMY, YOU'RE FIRED...NANA'S HERE!!

I thought this picture was so cute. It was not planned. They just were walking to go see the alligator. Andrew LOVES to hold hands when he walks...and who better than his brother & big sister!

Heath & I before our date night!

Our Piggy Picture in the Sand!

We were all just sitting on the couch & relaxing, so Mom thought we needed a picture of it! I think it turned out cute!

Of course you can not go to the beach without a picture of SOMEONE being buried in the as you can see Hayden was the lucky one!

This is a bumpersticker I found on the back of the truck. My late dear Granny Dot used to say this all the time. She was raised during the Depression & I am afraid of things don't change in this economy that we are going to see it alot more often!

"My" 3 little monkey's "laying" in bed!

Here is a picture with our wake boards Heath went & bought us! Kelsey picked them out for everyone! We had alot of fun on them!

My 3 Beautiful Babies!

Mom & Kels

Hayden on our balcony!

Nana and 3 of her "little angels!"

Our condo! We were on the 5th floor. The first two floors are parking garages!

1 comment:

Shalyn said...

wow....great fun! Ross and I need to plan a trip down there! It's been a long time since we've been in that area!