While the kids were out for the extended Christmas break, their report cards came in the mail! I was so excited when I opened them up and both of the kids had straight A's. Last 6 wks, Hayden only had one "B"..........and it was in P.E..............Yes, I said that correct.......He had a 88 in P.E. How do you get a "B" in P.E????....Well you get 3 points taken off your grade everytime you forget your tennis shoes.......Needless to say, Hayden does not want to wear boots to school that much anymore!! LOL I think I was more upset at the fact that now this year he is on "A-B" honor roll instead of just "A" honor roll. Anyway, last Monday morning before school, I decided to take them to get doughnuts and go to Walmart and let them pick out something special. After much debate, Hayden choose a Nerf gun called a "Automatic Tommy 20!" (which I might add is REALLY cool!) and Kelsey picked out this pack-n-play for her babies! (Too be honest, I really don't know why she wanted this so bad, because she does not play with dolls that much, but she thought it was cute since Andrew sleeps in his!) Oh well...they are happy and that is all that matters! I am REALLY trying to work hard at ONLY buying them something for a "special" (holiday, birthday, grades, ect.) reason and not just anytime we go to the store! It is one of those things, that we are so blessed that we can........but they are getting spoiled to it! I am trying to teach them that they get rewarded for doing good things and getting good grades and you get "punished" if you do not! Even though both of their colleges are paid for 4 years (THANKS Papa & Grandog--my dad & step-mom), it is VERY VERY important to me that they do their VERY VERY best in school! Hayden is all ready talking about what he wants to get next time, so maybe it is a good incentive after all!
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