Friday, January 30, 2009

My funny little smart boy!

I have to blog this so I don't forget this cute little story........ Okkkkk, so this morning I was working with Andrew on saying all of his colors and I picked up something yellow and I said yellow over & over and he said it (which I might add..... he says it VERY well), then we did the same thing with black, then green............then we got to blue and I said "Andrew, can you say" & he immediately started "blowing"! Then I said again, "Andrew, can you say "blue" & he started "blowing" again.......then it hit me that I always say, "Let mommy, blow on it" for his food and then after I hand it to him, I say "Mommy **blew** on it and now it is ready"!! I laughed so hard! Now everytime I ask him if he will say the word "blue", he just starts "blowing". He is just too smart & too funny! I love kids! Their little brains are always thinking!!


Shalyn said...

How funny! Sounds like something my kids would do! LOL

amy said...

oh sweet boy, that is precious. grayson is finally saying more words and they absolutely crack me up. it amazes me that he doesn't talk much, but he has known exactly what you're saying for months now. funny boys of ours.